West Bloomfield Parks has annual and long-term improvement projects scheduled throughout our park system. Funding for these projects comes from our millages, grants, sponsorships, donations and partnerships.
2024 Capital Projects
Drake Sports Park Playground Replacement
We will be replacing the playground at Drake Sports Park this summer/fall. Construction will begin in August and should take 6 weeks to build. The new playground will be built on the open green space that is northeast of the current playground. The old playground will remain open during construction and will be removed once the new playground is finished.
Drake Sports Park Detention Basin Remediation
Three detention ponds at Drake Sports Park are in the process of being redone. We received a grant from the EPA for $320,000 to complete this project. Detention ponds, when managed properly, have positive impacts on storm water management, water quality and the environment. We anticipate this project to wrap up this fall.