Memorial Benches

A Memorial Bench is a unique way to celebrate family, friends and important events, while contributing to the beautification of West Bloomfield’s Parks.


Benches for 2024 are sold out. Please complete the Contract Form and Agreement at the button below if you’d like to reserve your bench for 2025.


$2,500 includes the cost of the 6-foot bench, plaque and installation.


The donor may request a specific park for their Memorial Bench to be placed. The exact location within the park will be determined by WB Parks. There are individual park maps, available below, with available bench locations indicated (approximate locations). Staff will work with each donor to select their desired bench location once the Memorial Bench has been purchased.

Bench Installation

Bench orders are accepted January through July 30. Orders placed after July 30 will be installed the following year. Benches will be installed once annually, in the fall. Donors will be notified when benches are installed.

Bench Warranty

Benches become property of WB Parks once they are installed. WB Parks will maintain the bench for up to 10 years. When the bench reaches its 10-year term, the donor will have the first right of refusal to repurchase the bench for another term. If a bench is in good condition after 10 years and is able to be refurbished, we can resell it to the same donor for $1,000. Refurbishing it means we would replace the bench slats and clean the frame. The donor would have to use the existing plaque or purchase a new one separately. If the bench is unable to be refurbished, the previous donor would be charged $2,000 if their existing plaque can be reused.

If the donor doesn’t wish to purchase a new bench, they may pick up the plaque at no additional charge. WB Parks will hold the plaque for 3 months after the donor has been notified.




A personalized 8″ x 3″ cast iron bronze plaque will be placed on each Memorial Bench. The donor may select the verbiage based on the number of characters in the allotted space. The inscription can be up to three lines of text plus a heading line such as “In memory of” or “In honor of”. Each line of text cannot exceed 15 characters, not including spaces. Small overages may be approved on a case by case basis (for example, if the person’s name being honored is longer than 15 characters). Any overage will automatically incur an additional $25 fee and must be approved by a WB Parks staff member. WB Parks reserves the right to deny any language that they feel is inappropriate.

Donation Form & Payment

To submit a donation request, please complete the donation form. Payment can be completed via check or credit card. Payment must be received in full before a donation request is fulfilled.

Additional Terms

Once the Memorial Bench is installed, the donor will receive notification of the bench placement with details indicating the location of the bench. The placement of any mementos (i.e., wreaths, flowers, vases, statues, etc.) in the vicinity of the Memorial Bench is prohibited.

Note: Memorial benches are sold out for 2025. If you’d like to purchase a bench to be installed in 2026, please complete the agreement below and you’ll be contacted in the summer of 2025 with an invoice. Donors will be contacted in the order in which the forms are completed.

To purchase a bench, fill out the form below and agree to the terms. A WB Parks representative will reach out to you with an invoice.

Questions? Email Meagan at

Contact Form and Agreement

The maps below show where benches are currently available for purchase. Locations are approximate and exact locations are selected by our installation team.

Nature Interpretive Sign Sponsorship Program

West Bloomfield Parks’ Nature Interpretive Sign Sponsorship Program is an uplifting way to celebrate the life of a loved one, commemorate a special occasion or provide a gift to the whole community. Interpretive signs help park users understand and appreciate the natural environment they are visiting.

Interest Form