We are hoping to offer a new adaptive softball league for our residents 16+ with disabilities. Our team would play against surrounding communities. We are trying to gauge interest so we’re asking anyone that would like to join to please sign up for the interest list at the link below. If there is enough interest to create a team, we will contact everyone to register.
Games will take place on Thursdays, 6:30–8 pm, with 8–10 games starting in June.
Player Eligibility:
- The league is for individuals with disabilities aged 16 and up.
- All players must field at least two innings.
- Personal assistants/aides are allowed on the field if needed for safety or support.
Additional Needs:
- Volunteer Coaches: To assist with practices, game management, creating lineups, and leading the team.
- Volunteer Umpires: To help manage the games and ensure the flow of play.